� When taking ABC data, the idea is that we are trying to figure out the function of the behaviors. � l a� e4p� � � � � yt�3' a l a� p� t � 6`����� �� �0 � � � � � � ��6� � � �� � �� � �� � ��� 4� 4� � l a� p� � � � � yt�3 � t ��0 � � � � � � � 6� � � �� � �� � �� � �4� 4� l a� p� � � � � yt�3' � l a� e4p� If you observe a behavior occur that does not fit the definition, make a note on the back of the sheet, but do NOT record this as a behavior. F �# $ 0 K$ �" R /) � p /) �" /) � �" � � � � � � � � �# �# F � � � � K$ � � � � ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� /) � � � � � � � � � � � : Date:Name: Behavior 1 (BX1)Behavior 2 (BX2)Behavior 3 (BX3)Define:DefineDefine: Time InitialsDurationAntecedent (Event)Behavior (Response)Consequence (Result)Hypothesized FunctionEpisode 1 >5 35 10 40 15 45 20 50 25 55 30 60 Demand Placed Ex At Ex Ta Staff Ignored Transition Food/Item Taken BX1 BX2 BX3 Ex At At Ex Ignore Attention Redirect Removal Escape Attention Tangible Episode 2 >5 35 10 40 15 45 20 50 25 55 30 60 Demand Placed Ex At Ex Ta Staff Ignored Transition Food/Item Taken BX1 BX2 BX3 Ex At At Ex Ignore Attention Redirect Removal Escape Attention Tangible Episode 3 >5 35 10 40 15 45 20 50 25 55 30 60 Demand Placed Ex At Ex Ta Staff Ignored Transition Food/Item Taken BX1 BX2 BX3 Ex At At Ex Ignore Attention Redirect Removal Escape Attention Tangible Episode 4 >5 35 10 40 15 45 20 50 25 55 30 60 Demand Placed Ex At Ex Ta Staff Ignored Transition Food/Item Taken BX1 BX2 BX3 Ex At At Ex Ignore Attention Redirect Removal Escape Attention Tangible Episode 5 >5 35 10 40 15 45 20 50 25 55 30 60 Demand Placed Ex At Ex Ta Staff Ignored Transition Food/Item Taken BX1 BX2 BX3 Ex At At Ex Ignore Attention Redirect Removal Escape Attention Tangible Episode 6 >5 35 10 40 15 45 20 50 25 55 30 60 Demand Placed Ex At Ex Ta Staff Ignored Transition Food/Item Taken BX1 BX2 BX3 Ex At At Ex Ignore Attention Redirect Removal Escape Attention Tangible Episode 7 >5 35 10 40 15 45 20 50 25 55 30 60 Demand Placed Ex At Ex Ta Staff Ignored Transition Food/Item Taken BX1 BX2 BX3 Ex At At Ex Ignore Attention Redirect Removal Escape Attention Tangible TOTALMinutesAntecedentsBehaviorsConsequencesFunctionBx1DP__ SI__ T__ FIT_____Ig__ At__ Rd__ Rm__Es__ At__ Tn__Bx2DP__ SI__ T__ FIT_____Ig__ At__ Rd__ Rm__Es__ At__ Tn__Bx3DP__ SI__ T__ FIT_____Ig__ At__ Rd__ Rm__Es__ At__ Tn__ INSTRUCTIONS STEP 1 Each row represents and EPISODE of behavior. � � j S S $$�����&P#$/�� If a$gd�� K$� kd $If K$L$�l � �� �0 �t { �� Note: This sort of data collection is research based. l a� p� � � � � yt�3' � � � � � � ABC data sheet template: Example of ABC data in ABA. l a� e4p� � � � � yt�3' L M N � k $$�����&P#$/�� If a$gd�3' K$} kd� $If K$L$�l � �� � � � l a� p� � � � � yt�3' � � * + 1 = > R u v � � � � � � � � � ! t � 6`����� �� �0 � � � � � � ��6� � � �� � �� � �� � ��� 4� 4� T l a� p� � � � � yt�3' � � � w e e e N N $$�����&P#$/�� If a$gd�3' K$ $�����&P#$/�� If gd&c � kd& $If K$L$�l � �0 �V � � t � 6`����� �� �0 � � � � � � ��6� � �� �� �� ��� 4� 4� l a� e4p� � � � � yt�3' \ l a� p� � � � � yt�3' � � � � w c c $�����&P#$/�� If gd�3' K$� kd� $If K$L$�l � �0 �V � � l a� e4p� � � � � yt�3' � � t ��0 � � � � � � � 6� � � �� � �� � �� � �4� 4� Functionally defining the behaviors will make it easier to complete functional behavior assessments (FuBAs) and write behavior intervention plans (BIPs) for the student's IEP. t ��0 � � � � � � � 6� � � �� � �� � �� � �4� 4� l a� e4p� � � � � yt�3' Some consequences (or the absence of those consequences when they are withdrawn such as teacher or peer attention changing to another student) can be the antecedent to the next behavior.