I'm not sure where you are in the world but this website helped my sister and his family immensely. But it was too late and his life support was turned off last night. Contact NHS ASAP for someone to help with emotional support. I can't move back in there, his blood is still on the floor . Please, if you are finding things difficult seek help from a professional and talk about what you've gone through. A will is a binding legal document where an individual declares their wishes on how they would like to distribute their property upon their death. My Boyfriend Died Suddenly, and the Grief is Overwhelming My Boyfriend Passed Away Suddenly, and This Is What Grief Feels Like. I'm absolutely devastated. Ask a friend to live with you for a bit. These next few months will be unbearable but I promise you, you'll be able to breathe and feel something other than that deep pain too. Nevada. There is so much I will never ever understand. I just need to vent and it's lovely having people like you lending their support. Take some time to deal with this loss however you need to, then once you're ready to get back on track, seek out a therapist and start working brought any real life things hat you need to address. You're only 19. Press J to jump to the feed. I gave him CPR for 25 minutes before the paramedics arrived and managed to restart his heart. This is in no way your fault or something you should be prepared to deal with. 30 April 2020 by Emily Cappiello. I'm only 19. That has helped me with a number of traumatic events, I can't recommend it enough. This is a place where you can ask for advice on many subjects. It depends. Do I Have Any Rights If He/She Dies? One of the worst things you can do is feel that you are somewhat to blame for what happened to him. He fell over in a second and I tried everything to get him back into life but it didnt work. Please take each day as it comes. I'm completely lost. This was at 1:30 pm. Please do not feel guilty. My live-in boyfriend died unexpectedly after we lived together for 4 years. I wish I could take this pain away from you. We'd moved into a new house together in February- now I can't go back there, but my friends are looking after me and letting me stay with them. Sadly, the pain of traumatic emotional wounds is very potent. When she died 6 days prior to her scheduled return to our home I crumpled. I'm wishing you the strongest of hearts, and a willingness to grow stronger in the face of adversity. I'm tearing up just thinking about the trauma you must have experienced. What happens to his house? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Death is just as much a part of life, as life is. Do I Have Any Rights If He/She Dies? 26 Shares It really makes this more bearable. [33f] I was 24, my mom was 54 when she died. I am so sorry this happened. I rocked back and forth crying saying I could never come back to her house... but eventually (months later) I returned to pick up the pieces. I went to check on her and found her floating face down. I still can't stop thinking about my mom everyday. What state are you in? I’d like to share a few real, raw, and often overlooked life lessons that I’ve learned through my dance with the grieving process- things that I wish people would’ve told me from day one. Perhaps a counselor would have professional experience with similar situations. Almost the exact same thing happened to my sister two years ago. Hy Mary my boyfriend died on the 12.02.2020 on our holiday cruise and they said it was a heart attack. That hole you feel in the pit of your stomach will be there for a while. Just take time to cope with it how you see fit. No one expects a 25 year old to die suddenly from cardiac arrest. Ask a friend to go with you. My advise is to get some counseling and just push through for a couple years. Everybody has issues that they run into, and everyone needs advice every now and again. I wish there were some magic words you could read that will make everything feel better. I am so sorry for your loss. Sudden and traumatic death. My boyfriend died suddenly. Please accept my condolences. Please find someone you can be with, my sister was at my side 24/7for the first few weeks and she said it helped her get stronger. I have you in my heart and I am sending my best wishes. His children told me to avoid any awkwardness at the funeral. He'd suffered cardiac arrest. My thoughts are with you. What you're going through is devastating, especially at your age. But grieve, and take it in your time, that's where you go from here. Traumatic events like these could change your life for the worse and I'm sure he wouldn't have wanted that for you. I'm so sorry. Be sad, be angry, be whatever you need to be for the next couple weeks. Unfortunately sometimes there are no answers.