Narrow Leaf Java Fern: This plant has narrow leaves, which grow at a steeper angle than the regular Microsorum pteropus. when it Rots down a new plant will sprout from that rotten leaf!! The Java fern has a simple plant structure: the long, thin leaves and the stringy, numerous roots sprout out from a dense rhizome. Java Fern is also a good option if you have herbivorous fish. Is java fern easy to grow? You just need to be a little bit patient! Get Started. They grow at a relatively slow to medium pace, therefore making this an easy plant to keep, and can reach a maxium height of 10 inches. The leaves generally aren’t nibbled by fish, but they love hiding in the nooks and crannies between stems and leaves. This plant can thrive in a wide variety of temperatures, with an ideal range that encompasses about 25 degrees. A change in temperature, light, hardness or pH can cause these reactions. Get some cuttings and get to planting today. By: Mary H. Dyer, Credentialed Garden Writer. Java Fern, as we’ve mentioned countless times, is not difficult to grow. Is java fern easy to grow? 3" to 5" Gradually such a plant develops a rootstock and under the weight of it the latter gets gown to the tank b… This plant is unique in that it has adapted to be able to live both beneath and above the surface of the water. As we mentioned, wild Java Fern is found in the most densely forested areas of the Philippines, China, and Malaysia. In fact, java fern (Microsorum pteropus) is an amazing plant easy enough for beginners, but interesting enough to hold the interest of experienced growers.Native to Southeast Asia, java fern attaches itself to rocks or other porous surfaces in rivers and streams where the strong roots keep the plant from being washed away in the current. Leptochilus pteropus, synonym Microsorum pteropus, commonly known as Java fern after the Indonesian island of Java, can be found in Malaysia, Thailand, Northeast India and some regions of China.It is a highly variable plant with several different geographic varieties that vary in leaf size and shape. This plant is suitable for beginners and experts alike, and adding it to your tank is a surefire way to improve the quality of your water and the health of your fish. In the aquarium the Java Fern should be tied with strings to a rock or log until they attach. One is through the ever creeping rhizome, which sprouts new leaves as it grows in width and length. However its a plant that prefers to feed from the water column so this should be avoided. Its tall, broad leaves offer plenty of cover, making it a great place for your shy fish or young fry to hide from predators or more aggressive fish. I hope to cover most of the wood with it. Anubias are just one plant in a pot. I also did this to my Marselia hirsuta. Windelov Java Fern – The finely-branched leaf tips of this plant grow up to 8” (20 cm), it is a very adjustable aquatic plant with various water species. Read on for basic information on growing this interesting plant. By Mary H. Dyer, Credentialed Garden Writer. You need to avoid blasting this plant with too much light! Java Fern is unique in that it is a rhizomatous plant. Often, you may only need to prune it from time to time, and even that is optional – simply pruen just if you feel like it or if you notice any dead leaves. In fact, if you try to grow this plant in soil, it will often suffocate and die. As java fern microsorum is an aquatic plant which can grow fully submerged in planted aquarium, it’s safe to say that it loves humidity! Alternatively, you can probably purchase a pre-planted java fern for aquariums. Java Fern Appearance. To understand why Java Fern is so hardy and easy to propagate is to understand the evolution of plants in general. Java fern for aquariums isn’t choosy about its surroundings and even grows in brackish water. Some varieties of Java Ferns produce a fan-shaped growth pattern, while others do not grow in quite this fashion. This plant requires minimal light and grows quite slowly. Java fern- how fast does it grow? If your java fern or Anubias did show signs of deficiency you would have to work out how much fertiliser to use, there isn’t a one size fits all answer. This hardy jungle flora is found in all kinds of water environments and thrives fully submerged or partially submerged in water. It’s not a quick-growing plant – in fact, unless you’re adding lots of fertilizer or CO2 to your tank, you might not even think it’s growing at all! They don’t necessarily eliminate the need for you to clean your tank or conduct regular water changes, but they do help keep water parameters stable as they help remove compounds like phosphate and nitrate. The Narrow Java Fern produces narrower leaves, as you might suspect, than the other two species. Some aquarists even theorize that most fish don’t like the taste of Java Fern, as it’s downright unappealing. If you’re ready to add some plant life to your tank, you’ve come to the right place. You can not cut a leaf and replant it.To propagate Java fern just simply chop of a leaf and let it float for about 2~5 weeks. The Java Fern Microsorum pteroptus is an amphibious fern which lives with its rhizome attached to rocks or logs at the edge of mountain streams. Its rootstock is divided into several parts with two-three leaves on them. However, there are tons of plants that are perfect for beginners. This plant is very attractive, notable for its lush durable green leaves and strong root structure. Java Fern’s Place in the World of Plants. Java Fern is unique in that it has evolved to have the ability to grow outside of a substrate. In the aquarium the Java Fern should be tied with strings to a rock or log until they attach.