The Readiness Assessment provides an understanding of government-wide and agency readiness as it relates to standards, technology, policy, and organizational maturity. To continuously improve its knowledge and to identify problems and possible solutions, an organization requires understanding of the way business is aligned with the organizational strategy and how information systems are supporting the business. This site is also protected by an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate that’s been signed by the U.S. government. The right solution should be built on supply chain modeling and optimization. An integrated report should not attempt to quantify value as assessments of value are left to those using the report. Enterprise engineering deals with the design of processes which aim to improve the structure and efficiency of business organizations. These capitals can be financial, manufactured, intellectual, human, social and relationship, and natural capital, but companies need not adopt these classifications. Future acquisitions will continue to leverage the FIBF. However, the IIRC concluded that the term should continue to be used in this context as it is well understood. The report should be concise, reliable and complete, including all material matters, both positive and negative in a balanced way and without material error. This layer itself may be spread across multiple sources, multiple infrastructures, multiple locations and multiple operating systems. The IIRC feels the inclusion of such a statement may result in additional liability concerns, such as inconsistency with regulatory requirements in certain jurisdictions, and could lead to a higher level of legal liability. This paper first comprehensively presents the foundation of BPRIM which is based on three main components and, secondly, its dedicated tool adoBPRIM which was designed using the ADOxx meta-modeling platform. To face this concern, a paradigm named risk-aware business process management (R-BPM) has recently emerged. There has been discussion about whether the framework constitutes suitable criteria for report preparation and for assurance. The International Integrated Reporting Framework will encourage the preparation of a report that shows their performance against strategy, explains the various capitals used and affected, and gives a longer-term view of the organisation. FOIA The purpose of this framework is to establish principles and content that governs the report, and to explain the fundamental concepts that underpin them. This enables each company to set out its own report rather than adopting a checklist approach. 7-97)", Evaluate award recipient request for payment and supporting documentation, if any, and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for award recipient request for payment consistent with Uniform Guidance, Retrieve previous award payment information from agency-designated source consistent with Uniform Guidance, Retrieve award recipient performance information for the appropriate period from agency-designated source consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide award recipient notification of suspension of advance payments consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for award recipient rate of spending against expecting spending and performance information, including issues and concerns, consistent with Uniform Guidance, Develop and document request to award recipient for justification for rate of spending issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide request to award recipient for justification for rate of spending issues and concerns consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture justification information from award recipient concerning rate of spending issues consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate justification information from award recipient concerning rate of spending issues and concerns, and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for additional information from award recipient concerning rate of spending issues and concerns, and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide award recipient rate of spending issues information to OMB-designated source consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine and document course of action to address award recipient rate of spending issues consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide course of action information to address award recipient rate of spending issues consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide notification to award recipient concerning course of action to address rate of spending issues consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine need for suspension of award payments consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide suspension of award payments information consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide award recipient notification of suspension of award payments consistent with Uniform Guidance, Develop and document request for suspension of award payments consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide request for suspension of award recipient payments consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture confirmation information for suspension of award payments consistent with Uniform Guidance, Identify award associated with confirmation of suspension of award payments and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide award associated with confirmation of suspension of award payments consistent with Uniform Guidance, Develop request for funds availability check for payment and document results, Provide request for funds availability check for payment, Capture response to request for funds availability check for payment, Develop request for disbursement and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide request for disbursement consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture confirmation of disbursements of payments consistent with Uniform Guidance, Identify and document award recipients associated with confirmation of disbursements of payments consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide award recipients associated with confirmation of disbursements of payments consistent with Uniform Guidance, Develop and document request for termination of suspension of award payments consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide request for termination of suspension of award payments consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture confirmation information for termination of suspension of award payments consistent with Uniform Guidance, Identify award associated with confirmation for termination of suspension of award payments and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide award associated with confirmation for termination of suspension of award payments consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide notification to award recipient of termination of suspension of award payments consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture confirmation of repayment for award overpayment, award funds remaining, or disallowed costs consistent with Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.344; 2 CFR 200.345; 2 CFR 200.410, Identify award overpayment, funds remaining, or disallowed costs information associated with confirmation of repayment and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide award overpayment, funds remaining, or disallowed costs information associated with confirmation of repayment consistent with Uniform Guidance, GRM.040 Grant Post-Award Management and Closeout, Capture award recipient request for award modification (e.g., period of performance, scope, personnel change, cost reallocation, waive specific award terms and conditions) consistent with Uniform Guidance, Retrieve award recipient risk information applicable to award modification request (e.g., additions, decreases, or changes to services, products, scope, personnel, or timeline) consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate award recipient request for award modification and retrieved risk information and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for award recipient request for award modification as specified by Uniform Guidance, Determine date when award recipient may expect a decision in response to an award modification request and document results as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide notification to award recipient of date when award recipient may expect a decision in response to an award modification request as specified by Uniform Guidance, Evaluate award recipient request for approval to waive specific award terms and conditions and record results as specified by Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for award recipient request for approval to waive specific award terms and conditions as specified by Uniform Guidance, Capture award recipient request for approval of special or unusual costs, including supporting documentation, consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate request for approval of award recipient special or unusual costs and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results for special or unusual costs approval including timeframe or scope consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture award recipient request for Federal award termination, including conditions, effective date and other supporting documentation consistent with Uniform Guidance, Evaluate award recipient request for termination and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide evaluation results of award recipient request for termination consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide written notification of termination, in whole or in part, including the termination conditions and effective date consistent with Uniform Guidance, Capture change information for award agreement (e.g., period of performance, scope, funding, adjustment of terms and conditions) consistent with Uniform Guidance, Determine award modifications including changes in funding, route for review and approval, and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide award modifications including changes in funding and record results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide award modifications approval/disapproval consistent with Uniform Guidance, Develop request for funds availability check for obligation of additional funding and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide request for funds availability check for obligation of additional funding consistent with Uniform Guidance, Develop request for obligation of additional or reduction in funding and document results consistent with GAO Principles of Federal Appropriations Law, Provide request for obligation of additional or reduction in funding consistent with GAO Principles of Federal Appropriations Law, Develop and document request to extend award period of performances for expending obligated funds consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide request to extend award period of performances for expending obligated funds consistent with Uniform Guidance, Issue award modification documentation and document results consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide award modification documentation to award recipient consistent with Uniform Guidance, Provide award modification information to OMB-designated source(s) as specified by Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR 200.339; Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 or Transparency Act—Public Law 109-282, as amended by section 6202(a) of Public Law 110-252 (31 U.S.C.