Similarly, no one would challenge the fact that in the 8th year after Hijra (629C.E. It might seem like a headline from a satirical newspaper, but it is not: Spanish will no longer be the official language of the Spanish State or the lingua franca in education. This anthropological study shows how the fragmented society of Arabia lived in a situation where conflict was the main theme of life. No other suggestion, or even assumption, has been made by  Western academia as to what could have marked the start of this unique lunar calendar. Historians also agree on the fact that by the year 632, the Arabs had turned into a strong, civilised society that had evolved in to an empire, which not only was established in the Arabian Peninsula, but had started to spread to the outskirts too.6 It would, hence, be an overstatement by occidental historians such as Patricia Crone, Tom Holland and others from similar schools of thought, to say that no evidence is available to suggest what happened between the years 570 and 632 C.E. It was as if Roman coinage had borne the name of Jesus while the Apostle John was still alive. The gap between western liberalism and Islamic liberalism suddenly looked frighteningly large. Over the weekend, pro-Trump lawyer L. Lin ... A product always sure to sell, even on Thanksgiving, and especially amid a pandemic, is envy. She had weathered the slings and arrows of maritime misfortune for almost ten weeks at that point, but the passengers thought the discomfort of crossing a small price to pay for passage to the Promised Land. After Vielkind pressed him on whether ... Today of all days, it is disheartening to. No charge. receive the latest by email: subscribe to the free mef mailing list, ©1994-2020 The Middle East Forum   •   E-mail:   •   Tel: 1 (215) 546-5406. We need more of the facts about Islam to enlighten the whole world at large. Those in search of some light relief will have known better than to switch over to Accused (BBC1). The private screening was due to take place at the broadcaster’s London headquarters on Thursday before an audience of historians and “opinion formers”. Islam has always faced the challenge of proving the authenticity of its historical evidences. Al Quran 49:14 ‘Verily, the most honourable among you, in the sight of Allah, is he who is the most righteous among you.’. Despite this, Tom Holland’s programme struck me as an honest attempt to conduct historical research on a very murky period, and one that should be praised. It was almost as if he was looking over his shoulder, half expecting a fatwa at any minute. Whether devout, philosophical or irreligious these people and many more are all part of the history of Islam. The documentary was aired on British terrestrial channel, Channel 4. This left the Jews having to flee and seek refuge with the tribes of Aus and Khazrajites. It was on his way to achieve this goal that he attacked Makkah, but was destroyed.32  This epoch of Arabian history is described in the Qur’an in Chapter 105 (Surah Al-Fil). Untold it remained. This was the time when a great number of Companions of the Prophetsa were alive and were there to advise Umarra. Its transformation into a place of commercial and religious attention is owed to Qusayy, who undoubtedly is accepted by Western historians as an historical figure. Unfortunately, the entire documentary appeared to be an effort to undermine Islamic belief by way of scepticism. He likes seeing things in terms of empires, and suggested that a ruler such as the caliph who put Mohammed on the coin endorsed the prophet in the same way Constantine used Christ – to bolster his authority. 22. May Almighty Allah continue to bless you. The case, however, is different with Islam in the sense that historians tend to confuse civilisation with faith. While millions of followers of Islam have absolute faith in the Qur’an as the Divine Law that was revealed to the Prophet Muhammadsa, this article attempts to satisfy the historian who may be in pursuit of its historic origin. The documentary explores the origins of Islam, an Abrahamic religion that developed in Arabia in the 7th century; it criticizes the orthodox Islamic account of this history, claiming that it lacks sufficient supporting evidence. Carl Brockelmann, History of the Islamic People (Routledge Kegan & Paul, 1980), 3. Asif M. Basit, a regular contributor to The Review of Religions, is on the Board of Directors of Muslim Television Ahmadiyya International where he is a producer of several programmes including, the bi-weekly ‘Beacon of Truth’, a contemporary religious discussion programme in English focussing on Islam. Having emptied out the baby, they then found the Gospel bath-water a little thin. Adding an unexpected "Just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean they aren't out to get you" twist that undermined the intensity of the previous 60 minutes in the last 20 seconds felt unnecessary and cheap.