[8] Im nächsten Jahr war sie wieder schwanger, starb aber im August oder September 54 v. Chr. She was also a first cousin of the emperor Caligula, and niece of the emperor Claudius. Julia (d. 69 BC) was the paternal aunt of Julius Caesar and the wife of Gaius Marius. August 1912 in Pasadena, Kalifornien; 13. She died about 14 in Reggio di Calabria, Calabria, Italia. HRE Ferdinand I's 54-Great Grandmother. She was the first younger sister to Agrippina the Younger and beloved sister to Caligula. [1] Julia became the fourth wife of Pompey the Great and was renowned for her beauty and virtue. Laut dem Philosophen Seneca erhielt Caesar die Todesnachricht, als er seinen zweiten Britannienfeldzug durchführte, war aber ob des Verlustes seines einzigen (ehelichen) Kindes äußerst gefasst. Julia (c. 76 BC – 54 BC) was the daughter of Roman dictator Julius Caesar by his first or second wife Cornelia, and his only child from his marriages. [12], Pompeius wollte die Asche seiner Gattin auf seinem albanischen Landgut beisetzen, aber das Volk, das um Iulia trauerte, setzte das Begräbnis ihrer Urne auf dem Marsfeld durch, auch gegen den Widerstand des amtierenden Konsuls Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, der dies laut Cassius Dio durch die Tribunen verhindern lassen wollte, weil diese Ehrenbezeugung einer Beisetzung an einem heiligen Platz eines ausdrücklichen Senatsbeschlusses bedurft hätte. The marriage appears to have been an unhappy one, and fell victim to the machinations of the notorious palace guardsman Sejanus, who exploited his intimacy with Julia's mother Livilla to scheme against Germanicus’ family. Julia Caesaris was a child of Julius Caesar, born from his first marriage with Cornelia Cinna. Julia was the daughter of Lucius Julius Caesar III and sister to Lucius Julius Caesar IV. [13], Iulias Tod ebnete den Weg für den Bürgerkrieg, da Pompeius’ familiäre Bindung an die Julier, insbesondere Caesar, damit erloschen war. In August of the next year, 54 BC, she died in child birth,[12] and her infant—a son, according to some writers,[13][14][15] a daughter, according to others,[9][16]—did not survive and died along with Julia. [9][10] Plutarch reports that at the election of aediles in 55 BC, Pompey was surrounded by a tumultuous mob, and his robe was stained with the blood of some of the rioters. She was born in Majo Mills 38 BC, only a few days after her father divorced her mother to marry Cingular Ringtones Livia Drusilla. [10] Julia was executed around the same time as her first cousin Julia Livilla, the daughter of Germanicus and sister of the former Emperor Caligula. Balbus' mother is a biological aunt to Pompey the Great. For permission a special decree of the senate was necessary, and Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, one of the consuls of 54 BC, impelled by his hatred for Pompey and Caesar, procured an interdict from the tribunes. By using this website you consent to our use of cookies. Outside the family, some women became known by a combination of their father's nomen and cognomen; the daughter of Lucius Julius Severus would be referred to as Julia Severa in order to distinguish her from other women named Julia. After her death, the alliance between Pompey and Caesar faded, which eventually led to civil war. A későbbi diktátor egyetlen törvényes gyermeke, később Pompeius Magnus felesége lett.. Due to this, Tiberius and Julia's marriage was unhappy from the start. Julia was first married to her cousin Claudius Marcellus (son of aunt Octavia) who died young. The marriage resulted in five children: Vipsania Julia, Agrippina Major (mother of Emperor Caligula), Lucius Caesar, August 2004 in Santa Barbara, Kalifornien) war eine bekannte US-amerikanische Köchin und Kochbuchautorin, die eine eigene Kochsendung hatte. Juvenal, in Satire VIII.39, suggests another son, also named Gaius Rubellius Blandus. Zusammen mit Simone Beck und Louisette Bertholle gründete sie noch in Paris eine eigene Kochschule. Julia (5 - 43), was the daughter of Drusus Julius Caesar and Livilla. Her death left her father in Gaul (see Gallic Wars) and her husband devastated by grief. She should not be confused with Julia the Elder, daughter of Augustus. In fact, Pompey had been given the governorship of Hispania Ulterior, but had been permitted to remain in Rome to oversee the Roman grain supply as curator annonae, exercising his command through subordinates. Technically, she belonged to the Vipsanii Agrippae, her father's family. Sie gilt gemeinsam mit M. F. K. Fisher, Craig Claiborne und James Beard als eine der Persönlichkeiten, die zwischen 1930 und 1970 die US-amerikanische Kochkunst und Esskultur maßgeblich beeinflussten. Julius Caesar's only legitimate child to survive to adulthood, married strategically to Pompey to cement the First Triumvirate, died in childbirth in 54 BC. [5] Their children were Gaius Rubellius Plautus[6] and possibly a daughter Rubellia Bassa who married a maternal uncle of the future Roman Emperor Nerva. geschlossene erste Triumvirat zu stärken. Chr. An inscription suggests Julia may also have been the mother of Rubellius Drusus, a child who died before the age of three.[7]. I. e. 76-ban született, meghalt i. e. 54-ben. Tiberius, who still detested her, pulled the punishment forward and ordered that she could not leave one room and see nobody.