of Because of the precarious social and economic position of such groups, biblical texts also make provision for them, helping to ensure that they do not fall victim to exploitation (for example, Exodus 22:21-25; 23:6-9; Deuteronomy 24:14, 17-18; Isaiah 1:17). Through this structure, Luke wants us to see that God is clearly at work in the births of these two men. (This is conveyed in verse 3 by the tense of the verb ercheto: “she kept on coming.”) She tells him to “grant me justice [ekdikeson] against my opponent,” or literally, “against the one who has treated me unjustly [antidikou]” (verse 3). Jesus begins by telling his disciples that the parable he is about to tell is about praying “always” and not losing heart (Luke 18:1). The source of our doubts is not a lack of evidence. This is emphasized in one other way that is a bit more obvious in the Greek text than in the English. Luke underscores this point in several ways. Doubt has nothing to say; faith opens the heart and lips in praise to God. What issues or questions cause you the most doubt? Jesus asked Philip, “Where are we to buy bread, that these may eat?” John explains that Jesus asked this to test Philip, since He knew what He was about to do. They were disappointed, but when Peter was imprisoned, they called another prayer meeting. God took that seriously. When The Sun Finally Rises: Wrestling With The Past (Gen. 32:22-32), 2. Here, Zacharias had an angel suddenly appear and speak a direct revelation from God, but he did not believe. Since even the godly have fallen, we may wonder, “What is the source of doubt?”. Article Images Copyright © 2020 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. There are two strands that come together to dispel our doubts by showing that God does what He says He will do. No conviction religious or irreligious will, of itself, end once and for all this fifth-columnist in the soul. If godly men like Zacharias and John fell into doubt, we should be on guard, so that we do not fall. The disciples fell into this error when they were faced with the crowd of 5,000 hungry men, plus women and children. You’ve been there, haven’t you? Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture Quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, Updated Edition © The Lockman Foundation, Related Topics: Assurance, Faith, Character of God, Steve served as the pastor of Flagstaff Christian Fellowship from May, 1992 through his retirement in December, 2018. A humorous story in the Book of Acts shows the early Christians falling into this same error. The angel specifically states Zacharias’ sin: “because you did not believe my words” (1:20). The widow, though, also exemplifies how followers are to be oriented toward God. Luke is driving home the point that what God says He will do, He will do. The doubts that we all have show us that we need a Savior because we are sinners. As a loving Father, He taught His erring child a lesson he would never forget. There is a parallel pattern here of two birth announcements (John the Baptist, 1:5-25; Jesus the Messiah, 1:26-38); a meeting between the two mothers, Mary and Elizabeth, which serves as the link (1:39-56); and, two birth stories (John, 1:57-80; Jesus, 2:1-40). So doubt is a problem, even for those who are righteous in God’s sight. We laugh, though, in order to challenge such figures, and ultimately, to offer a different way. Doubt is not a problem of evidence, but of the sinfulness of the human heart. Abraham replied that his brothers had Moses and the prophets. And he spoke a parable unto them To his own disciples, as the Ethiopic version reads, in order to encourage them to prayer, with perseverance in it; since such sore times of trial and affliction were coming upon the Jews, of which he had spoken in the preceding chapter; and such times more especially call for prayer; see ( Psalms 50:15) [to this end], that men ought always to pray. Resources » Matthew Henry's Commentary » Luke » Chapter 16 » Verses 1–18.