These cells have a number of nuclei called sarcolemma.These muscle fibres shows alternate dark and light stripes or striations and so they are called as striated muscles. It includes blood and lymph. Answer: Answer: Xylem consists of tracheids, vessels, xylem parenchyma and xylem fibres. We cannot start or stop them from working by our desire. Phloem transports food from leaves to the other parts of the plant. This forms the several-layer thick cork or the bark of the tree. (c) Xylem Permanent tissues are derived from meristematic tissue but their cells have lost the power of division and have attained their definite forms. Since they do not consume or need much energy, so most of the tissues of plants are supportive. Answer: The plasma contains proteins, salts and hormones. Answer: Question 6. Question 9. The characteristics of cork are as follows: As plants grow older, a strip of secondary meristem replaces the epidermis of the stem. Free PDF Download - Best collection of CBSE topper Notes, Important Questions, Sample papers and NCERT Solutions for CBSE Class 9 Biology Tissues. Answer: Elongated lignified cells with pointed ends belong to-, 36. What is responsible for increase in girth of the stem or root? You have to finish following quiz, to start this quiz: Cylindrical muscle fibres which show alternate light and dark bands are. Answer: What is a goblet cell? Striated muscles are powerful and undergo rapid contraction and expansion. As a result, they form a permanent tissue. Write the structure and functions of a neuron. Answer: (b) Intercellular spaces are absent in sclerenchymatous tissues. [NCERT Exemplar] Bone provides shape and skeletal support to body. Answer: Question 4. (a) Simple squamous epithelium Differentiate between collenchyma and sclerenchyma. They also protect the body from viral or bacterial infections. Cuboidal epithelial – a type of epithelial, forms ducts of salivary glands resulting acquire additional specialisation as gland cells. Tracheids and vessels are tubular structures. Correct Option is : 1. Phloem consists of living cells (except phloem fibre). Nervous tissue contains highly specialised unit cells called nerve cells or neurons. Answer: Question 11. 2. The dead element present in the phloem is, 5. 1. They have only a small amount of cementing material between them and almost no intercellular spaces. This is glandular epithelium. Differentiate between sclerenchyma and parenchyma tissues. A group of cells having a common origin and performing similar functions is called Nerve impulses, Question 23. Phloem: Like xylem, phloem is also vascular but has no mechanical function. Classify permanent tissues and describe them. Questions :-1. It acts as a supporting and packing tissue between organs lying in the body cavity. Question 3. The epidermis has thick cuticles and waxy substances to prevent the invasion of parasites. Why is the epidermis present as a thick waxy coating of cutin in desert plants? Question 6. 2. Answer: It has a liquid matrix called plasma, in which the red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs) and platelets are suspended. It is this meristem which increases the length of the plant. (c) Organ (c) vessel Question 13. Smooth muscles contract slowly but can remain contracted for a long period of time. What minerals is the bone matrix rich in? A tissue is a :(A) group of separate organs that are coordinated in their activities(B) group of similar cells that function together in a specialised activity(C) layer of cells surrounding an organ(D) sheet of cells, one layer thick 2. Hence, we get the crunchy and granular feeling while chewing a pear. Name the different components of xylem and draw a living component. What type of epithelial cells are responsible for that? Lymph brings C02 and nitrogenous wastes from tissues to the blood. They are held together by loose connective tissue. Which blood cells deal with immune reaction? Lysosomes function as the digestive system of the cell. Answer: (a) Cell Describe the types of connective tissues along with their functions. Describe the function of bones. What are involuntary muscles? Answer: Striated muscles provide the force for locomotion and all other voluntary movements of the body. (a) Complex tissue Fibres are mainly supportive in function. (a) Is nude of cells that are incapable of cell division (a) Jumping of frog Connective tissue is loosely spaced and embedded in an intercellular matrix present all the body parts. 20. What happens to the cells formed by meristematic tissue? What is a neuron? B) Xylem fibres are elongated dead cells with lignin that provide mechanical support. Xylem is composed of four different types of cells: (i) Tracheids (ii) Vessels (Hi) Xylem parenchyma (iv) Xylem sclerenchyma. Water hyacinth floats on water surface. Answer: Which animal tissue helps in repair of tissue and fills the space inside the organ? (c) Chlorenchyma These muscles are found in the walls of the alimentary canal and internal organs, ducts of glands and blood vessels. A) Companion cells help in conduction of food to sieve tubes. (d) muscle. (e) The husk of a coconut tree is made up of sclerenchyma cells which have lignified cell walls. Blood occurs in blood vessels called arteries, veins, and capillaries which are connected together to form the circulatory system. (d) The branches of a tree have collenchyma cells which provide tensile strength to plant parts. An epithelial cell often acquires additional specialisation as gland cells, which can secrete substances at the epithelial surface. (d) Where are the epithelial cells with cilia found? Which tissue forms a barrier to keep different body systems separate? The free online mock tests for CBSE Class 9 should be used by students to check their understanding of their concepts of CBSE Class 9 Biology. Question 2. Smooth muscles occur as bundles or sheets of elongated fusiform or spindle-shaped cells or fibres. Question 1. functionally similar. [NCERT Exemplar] (c) Is composed of immature cells If a potted plant is covered with a glass jar, water vapour appears on the wall of the glass jar. How are oxygen, food, hormone and waste material transported in the body? Functions of smooth muscles: Question 7. Tracheids, Question 4. B. Phloem Intestine absorbs the digested food materials. The mechanical strength and rigidity of cell wall is due to. So, it move and bend freely when wind blows. Answer: (a) Meristematic cells have a prominent nucleus and dense cytoplasm but they lack vacuole. They divide for the growth and reproduction of the plants. It smoothens the surface at joints. These muscles are also called as smooth muscles. Dislocation of the bones of the hand was caused due to the breakage of the ligament which connects the two bones and keeps them in place. Presence of tissues in a multicellular organisms ensures Functions of epithelial tissue: Question 1. Answer: Hence you can not start it again. These MCQ Objectives are helpful in the revision of chapter as well as clearing the concepts also. (c) Writing with hand Calcium and potassium, Question 3. Book Name : Biology Class / Grade : 9th Level : (Secondary) Chapter No. (b) Sclerenchyma cells have lignified cell walls which makes them compact and leaves no intercellular spaces. Ligament is lossely packed so the gape between the matrix is little which makes it soft and elastic. Parenchyma: Parenchyma forms the bulk of the plant body.