This is what I mean when I say the Wanderer hits like a cannon blast. If you don’t like mass land destruction, that doesn’t mean you can’t still wipe the field before your Maelstrom Wanderer comes down, and Evacuation is a great way to make that happen. // Click the link to get 10% […], #1v1 commander, #1v1 edh, #brudiclad telchor engineer, #commander gameplay, #jolt539, #maelstrom wanderer Read More », July 15, 2020 by The Baron has a slightly different take on how to make the best use of this haste-enabler here on #Aristocards. Cascade is widely regarded as one of Magic’s more broken mechanics. , This site is unaffiliated. TappedOut.js Blog Widget. First, Bloodbraid Elf does not belong in the Both column. , Anyway, this is a Maelstrom Wanderer Big Value, Big Creature, Extra Turn deck! Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. can still function without it, but are limited by available mana; sometimes activating several times is enough to dig for a piece to make it go infinite. This annoying message will go away once you do. Kiora's Follower with infinite draws. This thread is a bit tired so I doubt anyone is paying attention to it anymore, but on the off chance I'll get a response: Some people like to win MtG matches in the Red Zone. However, if you have one lying about, Yidris would love to cascade into it after you cast a 1-mana spell. Gyre Engineer Support us on Patreon! TappedOut.js Blog Widget. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Seems there are no cards in the Acquireboard. This will require TappedOut.js included in your blog., Privacy statement | Etherium-Horned Sorcerer can at least recast itself for more value. And even if you cascade into the sage, the Wanderer gives it haste, so you can tap it for mana that turn if you have another creature in your hand. Follow @JosephMSchultz on Twitter! This annoying message will go away once you do. Wanderer wants a high density of 6- and 7-mana cards, to cascade into from Wanderer’s 8-mana casting cost. + Card Kingdom 1485.73 - 2394.47 . Remember: whether you’re wandering or wielding the maelstrom, always cascade responsibly. This enchantment makes it difficult for your opponents to keep their commanders on the field, a definite plus. Whether you do that through some mana rocks like Mana Crypt and Worn Powerstone, or by ramp spells like Explosive Vegetation and Kodama's Reach. , It doesn’t want spells that cheat costs, it wants spells that provide a lot of value for their cost. For Maelstrom Wanderer, there are a couple cards I have to call out. If that were the case, Zegana would be more likely to have a friend joining her, and she’d be way awesome. Genesis Wave However, you know what, it’s so powerful when cast with overload that maybe you should run it anyway. Temur Ascendancy Terms of Use | Risen Reef Our playgroup specifically tries to avoid doing that to others, but in more competitive circles this could definitely happen. Greenwarden of Murasa Not all cards that say ‘cascade’ work the same way, just like cards that say ‘flying’ don’t all work the same way. Deckcycle Deckcycle Feature Queue. Seeing the top card of your library helps you sequence your cascade-given spells to get the most bang for your buck. + Arcanis the Omnipotent Which means the spells you cascade into with Maelstrom Wanderer will resolve before Maelstrom Wanderer hits the battlefield. I think Yidris and Maelstrom Wanderer might be that kind of deck. The deck does have a few aggro parts as well, to apply early heat. Just looking for feedback! ► Errante del Remolino ► Kaalia, de la Vastedad ► Kykar, Furia del Viento ► Yarok, el Profanado Síguenos en Twitter –, #commander gameplay, #edh gameplay, #entrecommanders, #kaalia of the vast, #kykar wind's fury, #maelstrom wanderer, #yarok the desecrated Read More », January 27, 2020 by Aristocards – Deck Tech: Maelstrom Wanderer Commander/EDH January 27, 2020 by Community Spotlight Maelstrom Wanderer is a Legendary Creature that can be a powerful commander – #EDH with it’s double Cascade ability! Yidris will usually take a bit more time to ramp up into an insurmountable wave of value, while Maelstrom Wanderer appears suddenly and hits hard right out of the gate. Cast a Cultivate, cascade into a copy of your opponent’s Avenger of Zendikar. Help | Chain Reaction is another, and I also recommend All is Dust if you need to get rid of enchantments too. You can keep your Wheel of Fates though, because you can cast a 1-mana spell and guarantee yourself to hit that spell to refill your hand if you need it.