Nearly 1/3 of all pregnancies are affected by sinus congestion without any link to nasal allergies or other infections. Some researchers believe this congestion of the nasal membranes is related to … 4 Patients report nasal congestion as the hallmark feature, but they may also experience clear secretions that vary from watery to thick in consistency. Pregnancy rhinitis is caused by hormonal changes during pregnancy, making women feel like they have nasal congestion due to a cold, but without the other symptoms, such as a sore throat. Both nasal congestion and bleeding from the nose with common conditions that are associated with colds, infections or allergic processes. Sinus congestion may result from viral or bacterial infections, allergies, environmental irritants or even the increased blood flow that naturally occurs during pregnancy. Spray Nasal Decongestant. The following products can help ease nasal congestion during pregnancy to help you breathe easier until delivery. Nasal congestion, which gives you a snuff nose or a feeling like you have a cold, can happen during pregnancy. Pregnancy rhinitis (also known as vasomotor rhinitis of pregnancy) affects as many as 20% of pregnant women. However, these discomforts are quite normal during the entire stage of pregnancy. Topical or nasal spray decongestants, such as Afrin, were once thought to be safe for most pregnant women. Today I’m going to share with you a few tips to treat nasal congestion during pregnancy. However, these too work by constricting blood flow to the sinuses, and it is now thought that it can be absorbed systemically. Nasal congestion in pregnancy. And, the hormonal changes, especially the increase in progesterone and estrogen, As the blood supply increases, the slight swelling of the nasal passages can lead to congestion… Sinus congestion during pregnancy is extremely common. Dear MoMsters this is the common issue faced by 30% of pregnant women. Saline-only nasal sprays are considered safe during pregnancy. A few everyday measures can help safely ease a stuffy nose during pregnancy, including drinking plenty of liquids, sleeping with a humidifier and using saline drops and nose strips. Nasal congestion is an often-overlooked early symptom of pregnancy.