You can also use a small humidifier close to your plant. It’s a little trickier with two plants vs just 1 plant. They are a carnivorous plant and need special attention. This is a great source and I have used their LFSM before. Keep reading for everything you need to know about Nepenthes ventrata care and growing this pitcher plant in your own home. Learn everything you need to know! If you aren’t growing pitchers, make sure your plant isn’t drying out and try to help create a little more humidity. As far as I’m aware, well water is unfortunately actually one of the worst things to use. They are susceptible to root rot. If it’s not getting some indirect sun it will not live. If you could give me some more details I might be able to say something more useful about the matter. No scientific articles though, I’ll admit that. There are systems you can set up to collect rain water right off your gutter. Like most house plants, if your animal ingests them, they may be in for an upset stomach but it isn’t toxic. Just remember to also pick up some distilled water to soak it! It’s extremely absorbent and you almost have to try to let this stuff dry out. This means it is used to at least some humidity. A light, airy potting mix that stays moist and doesn’t contain any nutrients should work much better. They obtain most of their energy through photosynthesis and need a fair amount of sun. It’s able to survive and adapt to a wide variety of both temperatures and humidity levels. Nepenthes ventrata can be planted in a mix of 50%. It will appreciate being placed in one of the more high-moisture rooms of the house, like the bathroom or kitchen. I have seen many people use this organic mix, and everyone I’ve talked to have been really happy with it! The biggest reason is not enough sun or light. Although Nepenthes ventrata is less fussy about humidity than some of its cousins it still likes a relatively humid environment. One of the easiest ways to do so is to simply take a look at some photos online. I personally use a 36W Sansi bulb that plugs into a standard E26 socket. In some more uncommon cases your plant may get a disease or fungal infection. When I did research on this topic, I couldn’t find one reported incident of a nepenthes pitcher plant harming any pets. One of the most important things to remember when it comes to nepenthes ventrata care is is to only use distilled, rain water or water obtained through reverse osmosis. Just because the pitcher died that the leaf produced doesn’t mean that leaf isn’t still beneficial to the plant. Check out both options below. I eventually stopped because it didn't seem to help the plant. It can take a wider range of temperatures and should be less fussy than some other tropical pitcher plant species. I’ll go over both options below. You can also try to get a cutting from a fellow hobbyist, although that might be a bit more of a hassle. As long as you have a window that will give them a little light and sun during the day, they should thrive. Polka dot plant care & info | Hypoestes... Monstera adansonii care | Swiss cheese vine. It can handle direct sun relatively well as long as it’s introduced slowly. Long fiber sphagnum moss can actually carry 18 times its weight in water. Your exact watering schedule depends on the amount of light the plant is getting, although watering two times a week should be a good start. It’s pretty common to see them be completely dried out when you bring them home from the big box stores. If you enjoy these videos be sure to subscribe to my channel so you can keep getting the updates! Be sure to keep this pitcher plant out of your cat’s reach; those dangling pitchers are irresistible to them.