I live in a gated community and there is a sign stating that it is private property at the gate. Next steps: Unfortunately I needed my car back and already paid the towing fine. They told me the sticker is permanent so just put it on display and not stick to the car. Hello there, I hate predatory towing but you were just foolish. AgaIn no one specified anything else I couldn’t sleep all night. I called the tow company and was told that the car was parked illegally, and I would have to drive 25 minutes and pay $90 to get the car. Was it an illegal tow or legal? i had recently purchased a car from a little dealer in my area and the registration had not gone through yet.. so it was still in the process and the dealer was supposed to take care of that, I had a little slip in my windshield that is good for 90 days from the day of purchase that pretty much stated that its a car that was just purchased and in the process of being registered…. While most are honest, there are some that bend or outright break the rules in order to pad their bottom line. My question involves court procedures for the state of: New York, Kings County Hey all Last Fri my car was towed from the street that did nit have any parking restrictions nor there where any pending tikets on my car. Once you determine that your car was towed illegally, it’s time to take action. In fact they had parked, without tags or permits, in similar spots to mine over the last 2 weeks and never got towed. Is there some way I can get my $300 or at least some of the money back? Property mgr. Since my car was still in the parking and I was there, I was requesting the release. I am absolutely livid because I am out of work and the $175 to get my car back is 75% of the money I use to live on. Permission to leave it there indefinitely should have been obtained in writing for just this situation. The battery cable isn’t getting power through it. That’s right it expired in Sept. And they showed up at noon on october 1st. You can sue anyone, anytime… take it to small claims if you choose. Thank you ~. They took my car lasnight from the front of my apartment, I had a permit sticker on the back passenger bottom side of back window. This was my first time at his place and I wasn’t sure about the parking situation. I woke up in the morning on 20th to work only to find my car missing, I thought perhaps i was mistaken by where i parked but after many rounds of searching i found out my car was towed. They also slapped on an additional “Gate Fee”, which no one seemed to be able to explain what it was for. What is panik and ofc? I live in apartment and were I live there’s always no parking spot.I parked my car behind the other car on the owner’s parking stall but my car got towed.I dont if it’s illegal to park behind someone’s car even if I permission from the owner.please need help. He periodically checked with the police with no luck. Can they come to my house and steal my car because i disputed the $120 Telling american express the situation that it was agreed to at $60. This is someone who thinks it’s okay to park in a complex parking lot where they don’t live because they are visiting someone who live there. But yes, after a while this whole thing may not be worth it. My car was towed. It was taken Friday after work. But I think I was discriminated probably my skin color , indian acccent. I was towed by Arrowhead 24 Hr Towing and Recovery and had to pay $352 to get car back and I also had to wait 4 extra hours outside before I could get car back because the receptionist was alone and afraid to let my boyfriend and I in the gate, so she made us wait until another employee arrived, she kept coming on a intercom outside apologizing for the long wait but as soon as a co-worker shows up she will let us in. and some other charge. Sudden!y within the last six months some company hired by the apartment complex , as I am told, started an assault of sticker slapping tow notices for all kinds of stupid shit, like backing into parking spots, having a flat tire, expired tags, etc… You name it , at least 50% of the residents have had a sticker slapped on their car for one reason or another. Chick which shares the parking lot with them I came back my car was being towed as well my nighbors saw me running aftet the toe guy he refused to stopped as well he damaged my driver side lock as well they stole my brand new car battery. he had to hold him up on the bike to push him on the bike while we go to the bus stop to get the car at 4220 Donovan Dr. tow yard to get the car. JERKS. Now I have a question for you. Or the manager/owner has access to that. They’ll be quick to send you a check once they see the nice letter on a lawyer’s letter head knowing that you mean business. Don’t be a hero: The number one mistake victims make is to take matters into their own hands by taking aggressive actions with the towing company. I’m making a paper trail and I dread the outcome of me being put out of the complex at the moment. Also, check in with the company and see if the followed all the rules and regulations as far as the procedures go for towing cars. The have to sign the authorization papers at the time the car is being towed and give their complete name, address and phone number. I just bought a car this week and I parked my car in the parking lot of office depot to walk to see if the store was still open I then walked to golden. Call your city or county law enforcement to check on laws that regulate towing companies. Make sure that there is no signage at the entry to the parking lot or in nearby spots that indicates you could be illegally parked. This happened to me this morning. You don’t have a right to tow property that isn’t yours on property that also isn’t yours. Props to you officer! In apartment complexes, you have to be especially careful where you park. He told me they get it signed the next day in the morning so how is it that he doesn’t have any forms? Can I sue the towing company? I went outside before they even put it on the truck and then after they put it on the truck they said for $120.00 they’ll release it. It’s important to know what constitutes an illegal (or “predatory”) tow and what your options are if you suspect it’s happened to you. I live in a large apartment complex with multistory parking lot. I saw management parked in the same spot and I mentioned something to them and they said they are allowed to park there. I know I have the right to get a copy or any generalization authorization forms. I was told I only had 15 days. please give some leads. I recently had my vehicle towed because I did leave it in a 24 hour towing spot for longer than the allotted 24 hours. My car towed is currently the most stolen car in America, and there is good reason to believe the intention was to steal my car.