The baseline reports indicate that there are basically three approaches to achieving a flexible curriculum: Designing a curriculum that allows for flexible modes of participation on the part of students, e.g.flexibility over place of study,flexible timescales for study and timing of assessments,negotiated outcomes (‘content’ remains relatively stable but assessment is flexible … There are no set of rules as long as the students are learning the intended lessons. The Gall Bladder MMG traverses the lateral aspect of the legs and its completing MMG, Thymus, traverses the lateral aspect of the arms. A historian may feel that studying chemistry is irrelevant. If you still are not making optimal flexibility gains in the Gall Bladder MMG, you will need to stretch and strengthen the superficial opposing muscle group (Sexual). The path of greatest resistance is the direction that is the most difficult to move your muscle in. This was rarely discussed as a practical option but was understood to involve rapid development, convening a team of mixed curriculum professionals in partnership with the end users, and delivering a tightly defined, ‘fit for purpose’ curriculum that may or may not be repurposable for other end users. Contracting and resisting while stretching is the central principle to Resistance Flexibility. Upgrading your psychological or spiritual approach to life improves ones flexibility. The need to know is created. The action of any muscle can only be accurately defined by including one of each of the following: flexion or extension, abduction or adduction, and inward or outward rotation. The list of predefined subjects is there, but so are the other necessary auxiliary topics. PRINCIPLES OF CURRICULUM PARVATHY.S M.ED DEPT OF EDUCATION 2. Potential indicators: Learning is not limited to the topics mentioned. This order brings energy from one meridian muscle group and its associated organ to the next. The need for a flexible curriculum stems from the need to learn a subject. When a muscle can no longer contract maximally, it is being over-stretched and is subject to injury. DESIGN, INNOVATION, CREATIVITY & ENTREPRENEURSHIP (D.I.C.E), 4 Ways of Making Space for Student Perspectives, 7 Tips to Become a Role Model for Your Child. The modern curriculum must have the room for flexibility where education forms the core. To make our students SUPER GLOBAL ACHIEVER & FUTURE READY, SPS has now integrated FUTURE SKILLS in its curriculum and pedagogy to integrate. modules bearing small amounts of credit can challenge existing quality processes The Project for Autonomy and Curriculum Flexibility (PACF) aims to define the guiding principles and rules for the design, implementation and evaluation of the curriculum for primary and secondary education in Portugal. But the best school will include the subject in their curriculum, thereby making learning futuristic and helping students to gain knowledge about a world that is bound to come. Stretch the superficial opposing MMG (Sexual) to troubleshoot the target muscle group (Gall Bladder). Sonepat-131021, But in order to follow a flexible curriculum and provide the students with all the skill development benefits that it brings along, the top CBSE schools in Sonepat apply innovative approaches to their learning philosophy. – the learning experience may be compromised if learners lack the skills to design their own pathways and make informed choices Increased flexibility translates into increased biomechanical efficiency as well as increases in power, speed, and acceleration. If the resting length of a muscle is this long: And if maximal flexibility length can be achieved: Then this contraction shortening length is possible: If again, the resting length of a muscle is this long: And sub-maximal flexibility is only 25% greater than resting length: Then only 25% contraction shortening can occur: Balancing muscles are located directly through the bone across from each other and have opposite directions of action. The connection between interrelated subjects is effectively established. Most of the stretch actually occurs during the movement and not at the end of the range, which is commonly assumed. As evident, there is flexibility in the curriculum where the subjects taught is decided by the current and the future socio-economic needs. The educators have full autonomy to shift the class of history to a nearby museum. Designing a highly modular curriculum which can be flexibly recombined, either to suit the personal needs and interests of learners, or to suit another stakeholder such as an employer (‘pick and mix’ approach). By being flexible, the schools can turn the most theoretical subjects into application-based where students can pick up all the skills they will ever need. GENERAL PRINCIPLE OF CURRICULAM CONSTRUCTION 3. Here, anything goes, branching out from the syllabus is allowed and overall knowledge becomes flexible where students can learn whatever they want. Flexible muscles are much less likely to be injured and more likely to stay youthful longer. The health and sustainability of the planet is a reflection of your personal health and sustainability. The path of least resistance is the direction that is the easiest for your muscle to move in. The baseline reports indicate that there are basically three approaches to achieving a flexible curriculum: Designing a curriculum that allows for flexible modes of participation on the part of students, e.g.flexibility over place of study,flexible timescales for study and timing of assessments,negotiated outcomes (‘content’ remains relatively stable but assessment is flexible according to learners’ goals),negotiated curriculum or learning path (outcomes and final assessment remain relatively stable but learners can work towards this as they wish). PRINCIPLES OF CURRICULUM 1. Their DECA and LEGEND principles are hinged on flexibility where there is always more for the students apart from the prescribed syllabus. Skill development receives equal priority. We’ll use it, as described in our standard privacy notice, to provide the service you’ve requested, as well as to identify problems or ways to make the service better. Please enable Javascript for optimal results. At first thought, the concept of a flexible curriculum in school may seem absurd to all. New Jisc publication: Enhancing Curriculum Design with Technology, Curriculum change and transformation: outcomes from the JISC Curriculum Design programme, Stories of organisational change in curriculum design, Curriculum design with OERs – OU announces MOOC, Summary from final Design Programme meeting, 22-23 May. We’ll keep the information until we are told that you no longer want us to hold it.Your email address will not be published. The following information is needed for us to identify you and display your comment. Your email address will not be published. Classroom topics are related to real-time examples. The cycle always includes two lower body, then two upper body meridian muscle groups, and then repeats two more of each. Thus, a science student will have all the necessary apparatus in the laboratory to experiment with. – greater number or larger proportion of award-bearing modules being available ‘flexibly’ (however defined) Other organs can also have significant effects on digestion including the sexual organs, thymus, and appendix. The flexible curriculum in the top 5 school in Sonepat also extends the classrooms and the existing methods of teaching. When you Resistance Flexibility train, the energy flow series takes you through all sixteen muscle groups in a specific order. English grammar will receive a boost with verbal and auditory skills. – awards with many modular components require collaboration across programmes and even faculties and institutions, adding to development times and costs Change, after all, is the only thing that always remains constant and it is true for education as well. This means that when you affect one of these two things, the other is always affected. An Epistemological Rationale. For example, the muscles on the outside of your thighs determine the correct rotation of your thigh when you are using your hip flexors. At the baseline point, flexible awards are treated as ‘non-standard’ forms of provision, and the arrangements for quality assurance and accreditation are often located outside of the common academic framework for ‘standard’ undergraduate and postgraduate awards. The principles underpinning Curriculum for Excellence2 place greater emphasis on the learning outcomes achieved by pupils. Because the sixteen meridian muscle groups balance as eight pairs of muscle groups, they are called Balancing Meridian Muscle Groups (MMG). Because muscles contract eccentrically while stretching and because the fascia is impregnated along muscles and not just around it, it is essential that the muscles be strong enough to contract while being stretched in order to engage the fascia during the movement. an employer, community or client group, learners with particular needs. Take robotics’ concepts and applications that is hardly mentioned in any syllabus. The high oxidative state of aerobically healthy muscles results in the most rapid changes in flexibility and strength.