He hates sin because it is the destroyer of the people whom He loves. 1. (2) To keep from presumptuous sin (Psalm 19:13) and secret faults (Psalm 19:12). This audible prayer would minister to their joy —(1) By strengthening their faith. For He has signally glorified both His justice and His love in Jesus Christ, so as to keep the believer wakefully alive to both of them. "Yonder," said the Admiral, "are your enemies; shake hands and be good friends, like good Englishmen. The Authorised Version says "through," but the preposition in the original is "in." And He will be known to each individual soul, and acknowledged by each individual heart, in both these characters. - Y. Judas lost himself. When you read in Jeremiah, "I will not turn away from them, to do them good," it might seem to you as though good were secured, be your conduct what it may; but when you-read on, "I will put My fear in their hearts, that they should not depart from Me," you should learn that God's not turning from us is through the withholding us from turning from Him, and that, therefore, he who strives not against sin has no promise of salvation. But was there not a painful, an awful exception to the success of His guardianship? A single drop of water is a weak and powerless thing; but an infinite number of drops united by the force of attraction will form a stream, and many streams combined will form a river; till rivers pour their water into the mighty oceans, whose proud waves, defying the power of man, none can stay but He who formed them. (Dean Goulburn. The little bickerings and animosities and party feelings — unclean creatures that hovered about in the darkness — will vanish as we sun ourselves in the light. It was the joy —(1)Of the complete consciousness in Him of God. He not only giveth His people the blessing of peace, but also keeps their hearts and minds in peace through Christ Jesus (Psalm 29:11; Philippians 4:7). How was this audible prayer calculated to minister to their joy? In olden times the names of persons were very different from what they are now. Cecil, M. A.The union of Christians to Christ their common head, and, by means of the influence which they derive from Him, one to another, may be illustrated by the loadstone: it not only attracts the particles of iron to itself by the magnetic virtue, but, by this virtue, it unites them one among another.(R. Our Holy Father.1. WHO? You see, oneness must come from oneness. As in a bank (2 Timothy 1:12).3. So confident were they in the unfailing power of God's Word that these men confessed before kings and princes their belief that God's Word does its good work no matter what. I have guarded them, and not one of them has been lost except the son of destruction, that the Scripture might be fulfilled.”. (NKJ). Israel means "Prince of God," because as a prince he had power with God in wrestling, and prevailed. They lived in a remote Norfolk village without even a shop, with almost no bus service and with no other means of public transport, but thankfully, they had their own car. As in a bank (2 Timothy 1:12).3. No ministry of itself can turn a heart of stone into flesh. These words must have had respect to more than a mere temporal deliverance. E Pluribus Unum - from many, one. The holiness of God, instead of being opposed to the salvation of the sinful, is the very ground of that salvation, and is put forth as the reason above all others why sinners should hope in God. (4) Compassion and wrath-restraining love (Isaiah 57:14, 15; Hebrews 11:8, 9). The quotation cannot imply that he perished for the sake of fulfilling the word of God, but to show that all things are foreknown to the omniscient God. Holiness and love are one. He hates sin because it is the destroyer of the people whom He loves.III. THAT THEIR SALVATION IS DESIGNED, for it is that to which they are kept (1 Peter 1:5).IV. "I know whom I have believed," &c.(H. Melvill, B. D.)The nature of the Divine keepingW. For those who do thus know Him, they, by growing in that knowledge, will grow in unity. Alas! They will have fellowship with one another in exact proportion as they walk more strictly in His fear, more lovingly and enjoyably in His comfort. But that side of His holiness is only another side of His love (Psalm 99:8). )Kept for Jesus ChristT. Unity, wherever it exists, flows from God. It is idle for men who walk on still in darkness to talk of, to meddle with, unity. H. The quotation cannot imply that he perished for the sake of fulfilling the word of God, but to show that all things are foreknown to the omniscient God.3. Most of our modern names have no meaning at all; but, anciently, the name of a person almost always expressed some property or character attaching to the person who bore it. 2. When we were idle we could afford to discuss; but now there is work to do, it finds us brothers."(G.