Brown's social media team in the Office of University Communications offers these guidelines and best practices: Be confidential. The use of social media tools is a powerful channel to reach target audiences with strategic, effective and user-centric health interventions. Best Practices. Plus, social media isn’t the best place to discuss these complicated issues. But there’s a huge upside: Many teachers have used social media to share best practices, provide an authentic audience for student work, cultivate digital citizenship among their students, and build more connected school communities. Save the preaching for personal conversations! In recent months, many schools and districts around the country have taken steps to create social media poli- The Best Practices for Healthcare Students on Social Media. Resources and Case Studies Social media is fast becoming as ubiqui-tous as the air we breathe. Are there any “bright spots” where social media is already being used successfully? For example, Vancouver Island University started a recent social media campaign on Instagram with an aim to create a follower base that loves the outdoors and an eclectic lifestyle.To give direction to their follower base, VIU started a hashtag called #ilearnhere. Address the need to change their content emphasis from college student to adult. Even though this is a quick overview of how to approach best practices in your social media training, you are welcome to contact me with any questions you have at [email protected]. Instead of jumping into every social media platform that comes along, invest quality time and effort in those that most benefit your needs. Any risks to student privacy can be managed with informed, intentional use. What are the fears around social media in school? By applying the best practices to our social media sites, a college student can learn … 5 years ago. Remaining a social generation while also practicing the best skills on social media, will allow college students to become more attractive to future job seekers. This is the final social media check-up before they leave your charge. Also remember that sarcasm is often lost in online communications. Creating social media for your institution, department or organization? Be careful not to reveal confidential or proprietary information about Brown students, employees or alumni. Information in the social media section was originally created by Colorado State University and modified for student organizations by ISU Media Relations. Sharing, connecting, and consuming information on social media has become a basic part of life.