He repeated to the audience a question often asked of him: "Of what use is astronomy?" The average annual cost per person with AD ranges from 15,000 to 50,000 dollars, depending upon studies, disease stage, and country, with a lifetime cost per patient over 175,000 dollars according to different estimations. I would like to conclude my speech by encouraging the delegates to participate with an increasing number in all the activities and discussions through the digital platforms for the next three days. Every year we have a theme for this conference ranging from the environment to politics to business, music, arts and entertainment. The theme of this three-day interschool conference is the changing educational dynamics due to COVID-19 pandemic. Two years ago, Israel Hanin and Abraham Fisher decided to choose Seville as the location to celebrate the 6th ADPD Conference, and they asked me to collaborate with them in this endeavor. Last month, NIH Director Francis Collins described looming across-the-board cuts to the federal budget as a potentially "profound and devastating blow" to medical research at a time when our desire to ask fundamental questions is matched by our ability to answer them. Most of them are here; and I also want to thank all of you, dear colleagues and fellow-scientists, because our success is the merit of having all of you here to show the results of your excellent daily work which is essential for the scientific progress in dementia and age-related neurodegenerative disorders, and to improve the quality of life of our patients, their caregivers, and their families. In the nearly 133 years since Hall spoke here in Boston, the question has been answered with discoveries that have deepened humanity's understanding of everything from the building blocks of life to the outer reaches of space, and with applications of knowledge that have improved human health, extended human life, and advanced human possibility. Medicina Personalizada It is all of our responsibility to ensure that this does not happen. The concept and the theme of this year’s inter-school conference 2020 is the changing educational dynamics around the world due to COVID-19 pandemic. Let me conclude by saying, in the words of our beloved Miguel de Cervantes taken from his masterpiece ‘Don Quixote’, that “a leap over the hedge is better than good men’s prayers”. Question 3. Who should give a welcome speech for conference in school or college? It was a very pleasant experience to work together with both of you and with Kenes International to make your idea a reality in this 6th ADPD Conference. It is high time that such an event took place to highlight the remarkable contribution which nuclear applications make in so many areas of our lives. Utilizamos cookies propias y de terceros para mejorar nuestros servicios. I also want to thank both of you, Israel and Abraham, for putting your trust in this country and in this Spanish colleague to maintain or even improve the high standards of this Conference as demonstrated over the years for almost two decades. La Oficina Europea de Patentes concede patente a bioproducto español para la prevención y tratamiento de la enfermedad de Parkinson, Potencia tu sistema inmunológico contra infecciones, Plan de Prevención de la enfermedad de Alzheimer, El Dr. Ramón Cacabelos, Presidente de EuroEspes, recibe el Premio Europeo a la Gestión e Innovación Empresarial. On behalf of the organizers of the 6th International Conference on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases I would like to express my most sincere gratitude for your presence in this Opening Ceremony as the gateway to the initiation to our Scientific Program. How to start a welcome speech for Conference? Thank you, Dr. Fedoroff, for that very kind introduction. However, this may not be the case in other wealthy nations where there has been more widespread and evenly distributed social investments in public health services. Thank you all for your presence and participation. Due to the changing time caused by the COVID-19, we encourage our participants to stay safe and maintain social distancing as a result of which this conference will be the first of many conferences in the future that will be conducted remotely through the use of advanced technologies such as augmented reality and virtual reality. With this meeting, we’ve now tied Washington for the most times hosting the world’s largest scientific society—and for very good reason. Despite this biased information from the WHO, Alzheimer disease, Parkinson disease, and stroke are the three medical conditions most responsible for neuropsychiatric morbidity and disability in elderly subjects. There will be plenty of knowledge enhancing activities such as debates, public speaking and puzzles for students and an esteemed member of panellists will be the judges for these activities. Chairmen, Drs. All these factors also influence the aging of the population and the appearance of age-related brain disorders. The four pillars on which an efficient health system has to stand to deal with dementia and age-related disorders are the following: (1) The first pillar is a good primary care to satisfy the basic needs of the patients; (2) the second pillar is a mature social organization to help the caregivers and relatives in charge of the patient and to alleviate their psychological, physical, and economical burden; (3) the third pillar is an educated medical community prone to do an early diagnosis and an effective multifactorial therapeutic intervention; and (4) the fourth pillar is a strong research program with scientists motivated to understand the causes of the disease, implementing early diagnostic procedures, and discovering new and effective treatments to slow-down the progression of the disease, to reduce disability and costs, and to increase the quality of life of our patients and their families. And we must secure the federal research support critical to the future of our nation and of the world. Since its founding in 1848, the American Association for the Advancement of Science has held its annual meeting in Cambridge or Boston on fourteen occasions. The Andalusian people are an example of spontaneous joy, open mind, and cosmopolitan behavior; and I hope that all of you will be able to enjoy the joviality of these people as well as the art, the folklore, and the historical richness of this marvelous city. Answer: The structure for welcome speech for conference is the opening and welcome, the background, the theme of the conference, the outcome of the conference and providing a vote of thanks to the sponsors and the participants. Answer: The welcome speech for conference should be no more than 5 minutes. New demographic studies predict with about 85% probability that the world’s population will stop growing at the end of this century. © 2020 The President and Fellows of Harvard College. The result is an attractive Scientific Program in which we wanted to include the best scientists in the world and current leaders in the fields of dementia and Parkinson’s disease. I request all the delegates and participants to take part in all the activities that we have come up with for the next three days. The peak population would be reached by 2070 with 9.0 billion people and a great variability among different world regions. I wish everyone a successful and fruitful conference. How long should a welcome speech for conference be? You are the real stars of this scientific event, and we, the organizers, are but the instruments to bring together the best minds involved in the research of these medical, multidisciplinary specialties. It is a great honor for me to welcome all of you to Seville. The great British statesman Winston Churchill (1874-1965) used to say: “I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught”. We are proud to announce that this conference is being conducted along with the cooperation of the education department of South Korea and Finland who have consistently been ranked number one for their primary and secondary education. The problem of health posed by dementia in the developed world and in many developing societies such as Asian and South American countries is demanding major changes of paramount importance in the mentality, efficiency, and solvency of governments, health systems, and the medical community of many countries. During the coming days we will have the opportunity of reviewing the advances in the understanding of AD and PD since our last meeting in Kyoto, and also foreseeing how the progress may evolve in the coming years. From having this conference with just 50 participants back in 2004, we have come a long way in making the conference a huge success with more than 3000 participants participating in this three-day conference across hundreds of schools in India. However, we are still a long way from achieving this commitment. At the present time more than 25 million people suffer Alzheimer disease, and probably 70 million new cases will appear in the coming 20 years unless effective treatments or prevention programs are discovered and implemented. And many thanks to President Press for inviting me to offer brief remarks this evening. Like every year, the theme of our conference keep changing and we would like to cover every aspect of our society through this three-day conference. I wish also to thank our patrons, individual and organization partners, and volunteers.