Yarrow (remove toxins from the surroundings and body). Upon completion of smudging a room or the homestead, stand in the center most area of the room and allow some of the smoke to go over you. Many people have a ritual that they do to reduce their stress levels and when done right, this too can work for that same purpose. In our case, I use a “Mountain sage” that grows profusely on our property. The truth is, there is no exact right or wrong way to do your smudge. Start at the cut end of your plant to do this. There are others you could try as well, but I'd recommend these first. Personally, I use white sage, but feel free to experiment with lavender, pine, and cedar, too. I always try my very best to understand as much as I can about other people and cultures, while realizing everyone’s experiences are different from my own. Q: I’ve Heard That I Should Open Doors Or Windows When I’m Smudging, Is This True? Thank you for asking. I particularly like your comment about cultural appropriation. Today, smudging has come into popular use in various spiritual circles. There’s a Blue Moon This Halloween: Here’s What That Means and How It Impacts Each Zodiac Sign, Practice These 8 Yoga Poses to Increase Your Flexibility, An Introduction to Buddhism, The Four Noble Truths, and The Eightfold Path, 6 Non-Alcoholic Drink Recipes to Enjoy During the Holidays, This Is the Life-Altering Importance of Practicing Radical Gratitude, 7 Surprising Ways Playing Card Games Can Benefit Your Mental Wellness, Gift Ideas That Are Sure to Turn That 2020 Frown Upside Down, Learn All About the Vagus Nerve and How It Can Calm Your Anxious Nervous System, Learn How to Practice 5 Beginner Backbend Poses Safely (Yoga Tutorial). It’s all up to you. Once you have assembled your smudge sticks, allow them to dry completely in a cool, dry area with good air flow. Hello, my mom wants to make her own smudge sticks and she justs wants to know what all we can put into the smudge sticks. You can then wrap your way back down the bundle and tie the string off at the base of the bundle. For me, smoke cleansing is a way to practice mindfulness. We’re Kaylee & Lindy – two girls on a mission to grow food, live simply and cultivate happiness! They use this if they are feeling down or negative or if someone that was negative was in the room or area. Many people like to play soft instrumental music while they’re smudging. According to ancient traditions, all plants have a certain purpose and have their own spiritual benefits. This is just an average. When you get to the top, spiral down in the opposite direction to make and “X” with the twine. Store in a cool, dry location. Secure the wrap by tying a knot with the tail you started with and tuck in any excess string. Smudging is really easy, and anyone can do it. 2. One free online yoga class each week right in your inbox. Q: Can I Use Both A Candle And A Smudge Stick? It’s easy and it’s nice to rid your property and homestead of negative energy. Start in one corner of a room and gently spread the smoke from your lit smudge stick around the area. For this reason, I don’t grow or burn white sage which is considered a sacred plant for many indigenous people. Put several branches together so that the cut ends are all together, and the leafy ends are all together. Start out with a few pieces and go from there. For more leafy plants, you can make the pieces shorter, but you may want to use a longer piece for a plant that has fewer leaves. Smudge sticks can be made in minutes and are a fresh new way to put your garden herbs to use. Smudge sticks are most traditionally made using sage. Allow it to light well and then gently blow it out. classes and take them without an Depending on what type of herb you used, and how humid your weather is, it may take a couple of days or as much as a week to dry out. Get some sage (or whichever herb you prefer). No WiFi? You not only get to reap the benefits of the smell for months, but a floral sage smudge bundle is also a beautiful addition to you altar and sacred space. You can also use different types of herbs that dry well like lavender, juniper, pine, rosemary, cedar, and even roses! Unfortunately, I only aspire to be cool enough to be a witch someday! Some people prefer to say a small blessing or prayer as they smudge, others prefer just to clear their head and think good thoughts or happiness throughout the household. “I use this smudge for support, structure, and security.” He further advises that cedar is best for an intention which intends to fortify a space rather than ridding it of something. I prefer to place smaller, more delicate herbs in the middle of the bundle and use the larger sage branches and leaves to wrap them up and hold them securely. If you *are* smudging for a longer period, I've found loose sage to be more practical, as it seems to burn longer and with less attention. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Put several branches together so that the cut ends are all together, and the leafy ends are all together. Some people keep an essential oil spray around and use that to smudge certain areas in between a full smudge. After you wrap your smudge sticks, hang them back up to dry completely. It can be used to mark a mental starting point after a particularly hard time or break up, to promote “good energy” in a new home, or to perform a blessing. I would never want to try to copy such a special ceremonial practice when I understand so little of this heritage. You can make yours larger or smaller. I've heard it said that the smoke has properties which cling to negative energy and remove it from the intended object or person. Thanks for your support! It’s all up to you. Whether you're smudging loose sage or a stick, you're going to need a place to burn it. Embroidery floss separated into 4 threads (they typically come as … When you’ve determined which plant or plants to use, then it’s time to gather your supplies.