AIA makes strategic move to invest in Contract Documents program. The American Institute of Architects (AIA) is pleased to announce a new strategic partnership to invest in AIA’s successful Contract … An AIA is a document that contains completed contract billing throughout the project; this document was created mainly to assist architects working on a construction … By using AIA Contract Documents, owners, contractors, architects, consultants, and attorneys can choose and customize over 180+ industry standard construction contracts and forms. The AIA also publishes the Architect’s Handbook of Professional Practice, which contains definitions of commonly used construction terms. AIA Contract Documents does not provide legal advice about how contract … An AIA contract, which stands for American Institute of Architects contract, is designed to protect the interest of architects when hired to work on a construction project. For more information and samples of construction contracts, visit AIA Contract … The American Institute of Architects (AIA) and ConsensusDocs both produce standardized contract documents in a variety of formats, including the contract types here. AIA Document A132–2019 is a standard form of agreement between Owner and Contractor for use in projects where, in addition to the Contractor and Architect, a separate Construction Manager assists the Owner in an advisory capacity during design and construction. Working from an existing, professional contract template can give you peace of mind that many other construction …