Return the strips to the dehydrator and dehydrate again for about eight hours at 105 degrees. Healthy Living Events Hi Rhonda, September 2014 Candied SCOBY. March 2015 If you brew Kombucha, then you probably have a lot of SCOBY on hand. Make more or less of the dip depending upon how much SCOBY you have. Where did you buy your nonstick trays to place on your dehydrator? May 2014 If you make your own kombucha, you know what I'm talking about. Set aside the marinade, you'll use it again in a later step. Dehydrating them at a low temp ensures that they keep as many of the awesome probiotic benefits as possible in the process. Set aside the marinade, you'll use it again in a later step. Dig a small ditch below the surface around the base of the plant, put the SCOBY mix in there and then cover with dirt. December 2013 Remove the SCOBY strips from the trays and place in the bowl of marinade in the fridge overnight. Let me know if you try this method and how it worked for you! June 2014 Jacqueline, All This will shrink the Scoby just a tiny bit, giving you the ability to now re-hydrate the Scoby with a flavorful marinade. Lay SCOBY strips out on your dehydrator tray. ). February 2017 Dehydrate until most of the moisture is gone (about 4 hours at 105 F). If you can't get enough of the probiotic SCOBY goodness, you should also try my easy vegan 'Bucha Sushi. Clean your scoby with fresh water to remove the goo Slice very thinly into around 1" wide strips Place in a dehydrator or outside drying rack for 6-8 hours at 80-90F or until fully dehydrated The alternative texture and flavor of jerky will make sure your dog loves them. Snacks Niseko Mix up the remaining ingredients into a marinade, and soak your SCOBYs for 24 hours. I haven't tried that. Make Energy Balls - It may not look too appealing, but a SCOBY can be used to infuse or make many delicious recipes. It uses the same dehydrating methods as jerky but uses a mixture of scoby puree, diced fruit, and a little bit of sugar. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Cazoshay Marie with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. So I decided to make a large batch of kombucha jerky. Since the kombucha is waterlogged from being submerged in tea for its entire life, most recipes suggest slicing the Scoby into strips and then dehydrating it for a few hours. I am always on the hunt for things to make using my millions of kombucha SCOBYs. Cut the SCOBYs into strips. Fermentation SCOBY Jerky made from Kombucha. I actually use them for lots of things around the house including storage of my bulk foods. March 2014 - Take your scoby(s) and cut it up in to jerky sized strips. Hong Kong October 2013. Using kitchen shears or a sharp knife, cut SCOBYs into strips no wider than 1.5 inches. October 2017 Adding in 1/4 cup of sugar will help balance out any tart flavors from the scoby. If you are in Hong Kong, you can get them on Shanghai Street, but will have to cut to size. I’ll share four great seasoning combinations to choose from, spicy, mild, sweet, and peanut butter in this post. All rights reserved. January 2016 ©2017 Cazoshay Marie. February 2014 Before you know it, they just multiply and multiply until you are convinced that they're somehow a part of an alien uprising because there's so darn many of them! Store your yummy plant-based jerky in an air-tight container and enjoy! School use about 2 cups of pureed scoby mixed with equal amounts of diced fruit. Lay the SCOBY's flat on the rack and dry at 80°-­‐90°F, until they reach the consistency of jerky. Make SCOBY jerky: Simply cut your SCOBY into thin strips and dehydrate in the oven or by using a dehydrator. A great way to use SCOBY is to dehydrate … Cut into strips, random sizes are fine. To make SCOBY jerky, first cut the SCOBY into strips, season it, and then pop it into a dehydrator for approximately 8 hours at 105F. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. *Note: You could probably also make these in the oven if you don't have a dehydrator. Regularly check to see when everything has completely dried out. Dessert Kefir Class June 2015 So if you're looking for a delicious vegan jerky option, give this a try! ; Dry at 80-90ºF until desired consistency is reached. A full recipe of how to make SCOBY jerky. An energy ball is meant to give you a burst of energy and sustained energy after consumption. November 2016 Lay SCOBY strips out on your dehydrator tray. Add all ingredients to a bowl and stir SCOBY strips into the marinade to fully coat them. December 2015 I used a dehydrator, but you could probably also make these using the lowest setting in the oven. August 2014 ; Drain and spread on lined dehydrator tray or parchment paper.Cover with a cloth to keep pests away, if not using a dehydrator. ; Place scoby chunks in a bowl and add a liquid mixture of 50% sweetener and 50% water, to cover; soak for 24 hours. Here you'll find delicious healthy recipes, gardening tips & tricks, holistic wellness lifestyle inspo, & updates about my upcoming events & classes and much more! Thank you so much for taking the time to visit Lantau Mama, truly I am flattered that anyone reads this! Because of their meaty texture, I got the idea to try making plant-based SCOBY jerky, and I must say, I'm diggin' it. Recipes Breakfast November 2013 Kombucha SCOBY (see photo below left for what I used), Tamari Sauce (can use soy sauce if you prefer), Cayenne pepper (just a tiny amount of powder), Take SCOBY and separate it into thinner 'pancakes', Rinse under filtered water 3-5 times until most of the kombucha is washed off, Dip into a bowl with 1/2 cup tamari, 1/8-1/4 cup honey (more if you like sweeter), some fresh or powdered garlic, onion or other flavors you fancy, a dash of cayenne - all mixed up, Make more or less of the dip depending upon how much SCOBY you have, Wild raw honey (use a different sweetener if you are vegan). Instructions: Using a sharp knife, cut the scoby into 1-inch chunks. March 2017 If you are elsewhere, Amazon has them :) SCOBYs have a naturally chewy, full-bodied texture that makes for great gourmet jerky once it's dehydrated. Crum and LaGory dedicate a whole chapter to making SCOBY edible and, so they claim, delicious. January 2014 Use your SCOBY for compost: The last resort option for when you have SCOBYs coming out of your ears is to blend them up in a food processor and spread the SCOBY pulp on your garden. SCOBY jerky. You can order a SCOBY, or you can make your own. I would suggest baking them on the lowest setting your oven goes to and checking the texture and moisture level periodically. Happy dehydrating! Refrigerator Compost: Alternative Composting-Great for Renters and Small Spaces. Let them dehydrate at 105 degrees for about four hours (until most of the moisture is gone.). January 2018 December 2017 The time required will depend on how thick your SCOBY is. Give one to your dog, make sure the first time you give your pet a new type of treat that you watch them while they eat it (my dog likes to take treats and hide them around the house! SCOBY “squid” sashimi. August 2017 Using kitchen shears or a sharp knife, cut SCOBYs into strips no wider than 1.5 inches. (If you want to know how to easily and inexpensively make your own kombucha, and therefore neverending supply of SCOBY's, see my recipe here.). They will rehydrate with all the yummy flavor of the marinade. Cover with a cloth to keep the fruit flies and pests away. July 2014 Another marinade option for your kombucha jerky that's also super yummy is my Vegan Teriyaki Sauce. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. With all of the probiotic and bacterial benefits, be sure to infuse your energy balls. Kids Kombucha SCOBYs (I got my original one from Amazon, lots of health food stores carry them too), 1 teaspoon cayenne (optional, omit if you're not a fan of spice). SCOBY is an acronym that stands for symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast. The ideal temperature range for dehydrating is between 35-40°C. May 2015 Grease your dehydrator trays and lay out the strips of kombucha SCOBYs. Add all ingredients to a bowl and stir SCOBY strips into the marinade to fully coat them. Note: You can also sub garlic powder if you don't have fresh on hand. September 2015 These are the jars I use to brew my homemade kombucha. Dip into a bowl with 1/2 cup tamari, 1/8-1/4 cup honey (more if you like sweeter), some fresh or powdered garlic, onion or other flavors you fancy, a dash of cayenne - all mixed up.