The side plank is one of the easiest ways to work your oblique muscles. I use 5 or 6 lb weights for this move, but feel free to adjust that! XO. Place your right hand behind your head and lift your right leg. Get into the side plank position with your right elbow under your shoulder. That’s why I make sure to add a few side planks and plank variations to my flow each time I get on the mat so that my core gets some extra attention. Engage your abdominals drawing the belly inward towards your spine. Begin in a plank position. Squeeze your inner thighs together for added stability. The side plank is one of the most underrated core exercises in the fitness kingdom. Step 2: Begin exercise by raising your hips so that your body forms a straight line from your ankles to your shoulders. The Swing Set Suspension Workout. Lift bottom leg, using top foot to stabilize you. Start in a side plank on your left side, holding your weight in your right hand with your right arm parallel to the floor. It strengthens abdominal and back muscles, particularly the transversus abdominis, rectus abdominis, obliques and quadratus lumborum. The side plank primarily works muscles in your core. Place your right hand on your right hip. Please try again. While plank is one of the most effective core-carving poses, you also need to do side plank variations to target your obliques. The side plank, in addition to the regular plank variety, is one of the most effective strength-gaining exercises for your core and the rest of the upper body. Side plank is beneficial to strengthen the obliques, but with weighted rotation engages the entire core even better. Side plank not only engages your core, it also strengthens your legs, your back and your arms- especially with this version with added weights. Private Yoga, Meditation, or Lifestyle Instruction. Make sure your shoulder is stacked above your elbow. Your abs actually support your entire body when trying to balance, they’re the connection between your upper and lower body- so think about those times you’re about to wipe out on a sheet of ice and how you need them to save you! Continue until this happens: Exhale and pull your abs toward your spine to stabilize your torso as your raise your right arm to the ceiling. Engage your obliques to slide back upwards into a normal side plank. Crunch, bringing your knees toward your chest, and repeat the desired number of reps. Then switch sides. Learn how to correctly do Rolling Side Plank to target Abs, Back, Shoulders with easy step-by-step expert video instruction. You can see them be done in different training scenarios including in home workouts, pilates, bootcamps and in physical therapy clinics to name a few. When you complete the circle you should be back up in a plank position and then you can alternate to another side in a couterclock-wise motion. This exercise can help you improve balance, boost your endurance and increases core strength. 2) Get into a plank position with your hands holding/on top of your weights. Why Sled Training Makes Sense For Everyone. You've mastered the plank. The side plank is an excellent exercise for building your core strength and stability. ... 12 Effective Arm Exercises Without Weights. Place your feet together on top of each other. You've schooled the side plank. Then, instead of going straight down for a push-up, lower to one side beginning in clock-wise motion and come all the way down in a slow circle. Slowly slide your feet outwards, keeping your spine straight and your weight on your elbow. Push right forearm into the floor for support and stability as you lift into a side plank. Side planks already do a good job at working the side body, and adding a reverse fly into the mix will also tone the shoulders. Related: Feel the Burn in This Challenging Plank Variation, This Move Will Do Serious Work on Your Abs, Feel the Burn in This Challenging Plank Variation. Do not let your hand travel behind your shoulder. The side plank rotation activates the deep abdominal muscles and helps to tighten and shrink your waistline. How to do Side Plank: Step 1: Lie down with your left side on an exercise mat. You definitely want to feel comfortable in your side plank, before adding arms. Engage core. But you may be making to move way less effective if you make these mistakes. Now you're ready for the next challenge: a side plank with reverse fly.