But God hadn’t forgotten about the Hebrews or Moses. Moses said Moses does, and when he pulls out his hand, it has do anything! So, Moses was going to use God’s power and Pharaoh Moses lived in Midian for 40 years. It includes the Hour B lesson plan and the needed reproducibles for that plan. Some ideas you might hear: doing a hard school assignment or taking a test, finishing a project, playing in an athletic event, making friends in a new environment, doing some assigned task at home. It includes the Hour A lesson plan and the needed reproducibles for that plan. God called God told Moses to return to Egypt, and to lead God’s people out of slavery. leprosy! Through the miracle of the Burning Bush, Moses is informed he has been chosen to rescue God's people from slavery in Egypt. The story summary is written for kids. This was all part of God’s master plan in which Moses was to play an important part. This video highlights points you’ll want to make as you teach the story to kids. “Why me and what am I supposed to tell them?” God said “I AM WHO I AM. The Bible study today was about someone who had a really tough assignment. This is the Hour B lesson plan for God Spoke to Moses (OT06L2HB). Moses’ mother and sister Miriam hid Moses; then they placed him in the Nile, where he was rescued by the daughter of Pharaoh. his father-in-law Jethro. Moses, Joshua & More Preschool Lesson Links. Cheerfully help a younger brother or sister with homework or a chore. There is so much for Moses; it was hard to pick which lessons to teach! Make up your mind not to talk back to your parents. Make friends with an enemy. Echoes Elementary consists of age-appropriate lessons that match the growing independence and responsibility of elementary students—especially their capacity to apply Bible truths and more deeply grasp the love of God. We are studying Moses for this second quarter with preschool. When The places where Moses was before this week’s Bible story (Exodus 1-2) were Goshen, the Nile River, and Midian. It makes for a great visual, but they see everything afterwards and know that only God has the power to do this. But you can also prepare a simple script if you like. But that is how long the children of Israel had been waiting for God to deliver them out of slavery in Egypt. Other articles inspired by Echoes Curriculum: Since 1989, Echoes has been the chosen curriculum that has taught God’s Word to life, presenting the relevant gospel of Jesus Christ to the African-American church. He had to run away from Egypt, because Pharaoh wanted to kill him. the one God wants to go before Pharaoh and take them out of Egypt. Now, let’s take a look at some other ways that God prepared Moses for the assignment. Every lesson from God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers includes a full-color teaching picture for use in teaching the lesson. Have students find Exodus 3 in their Bibles. Sermon Title: "Moses and the Burning Bush" Scripture Reading: Exodus 3:1-15 CRY AND FIND: Children will scatter around a designated area. a bush, except the bush wasn’t burning! Children will have fun starting to learn about Moses as a Baby, how God spooke to him in the burning bush, and how God used Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt through the parting of the Red Sea with these fun Bible crafts for kids of all ages. When Moses was about 40 years old, he tried to help the Hebrew people by killing an Egyptian. I tuck it under my arm pit before class and wear a jacket over it. Have the class read this week’s Key Verse (Exodus 4:12) together. Review with your students. All rights reserved. The story is found in Exodus 3:1–4:17. A couple can be adapted from their original idea to specifically fit this lesson. God had been preparing Moses for a great task, but Moses was getting older and wasn't expecting God to speak to him at this point in his life or in this location. WOULD let the people go! Every lesson from God’s Unfolding Story for Older Preschoolers includes a Parents Connect page to help parents or guardians reinforce the lesson at home during the week following the lesson. God spoke to Moses from the middle of a bush that was burning. In what ways will you accept the challenge to serve God? Moses still isn't convinced, so God tells him to "Put your from the bush “Moses, Moses! The story of God speaking to Moses in the burning bush is a popular story for kids as well as adults to learn. Story Suggestion: Exodus 3-4:1-17 As Moses was tending sheep in the desert, God appeared to him. They will be added as soon as they are approved. But, God often surprises us! These crafts to illustrate the lesson of Moses and the Burning Bush range from simple to involved. I found this great snake a couple of years ago at a Halloween store. (Above links are affiliate links.). Lead a discussion on the progression of Moses’ thinking. Let some students share their thoughts on specific tasks they know they have to face.